Collect for intelligent giving
Why donate?
By making a donation to Due Drop Foundation you can be assured that 100% of your donation will be passed on. All overhead costs are independently met. Our charities have been carefully evaluated to ensure your money will be used in an intelligent and impactful way.
A tax receipt for all donations will be emailed to you – thank you.
How To Donate
There are a number of ways to donate to Due Drop Foundation.
Make a one-off or regular deposit into our bank account Due Drop Foundation 02-0238-0105566-00 or a credit card donation using the form on the right.
For bank deposits please email us at executive@duedrop.org.nz with your details and the sector you’d like the donation applied to, so that we can email you a tax receipt.
Your Credit Card Donation
Your credit card donation will incur an unavoidable handling fee resulting in Due Drop Foundation receiving 2.5% less than you donate.